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How can twins end up so different?


Asking that is really like asking why ANY two people are different. They have different genetic make-ups, and they also have very different life experiences. Unless they were completely forced to have ALL the same experiences, all the same conversations, all the same dreams, food intake, knee scrapes, etc, no two people could EVER be the same, in personality. As for looks... again, just the law of genetics. Or the global warming thing.

If you need further answers, blame Marc.

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Why is bologna round and bread is square?


From a knowledgable source known as Jasmin...

Back in the day, before your grandparents were born, all meat was made inside of animal intestines. Think of sausage - sheep intestines. Nowadays, they have molds, so there is square bologna too, but traditionally it is round because of that.

Gross, eh?

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ya know ... i have a problem with doing that. there was this thread once with phee and paper hearts and i did the same thing. anyone can feel free to tell me to shut up at any time.  :grin


It's okay, you can answer questions, I take forever!

I'll still answer them anyway, unless you make them null, like the hotdog question. :grin

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red, yellow, blue are when dealing with pigments. All colors = black

red, green, blue is when dealing with light (ie computer monitors) All colors = white

Or thereabouts.

alright already, i shall answer you now! 

First off... I didn't know graphic designers had different primary colors.  Who has magenta, cyan, and yellow?  Is that just photography? 

Oh, this is interesting...

Red and Green Creates Yellow 

Green and Blue Creates Cyan

Blue and Red Creates Magenta

I had no idea. 

Also, the combinations that are listed above are not all the possibilities for creating new colors. When you combine a primary color with a secondary color the result is white light.  And then there's the whole gel with lighting issue....

As for graphic design, go ask someone else.  I have more learning to do before I can address this.

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How do they get so much paper stuffed in the tip of new shoes?  And why put fake credit cards in pockets of new purses?  They don't fool me, I know its like monopoly money......they only look well, not real.  Thats for sure.


Paper gets stuffed in your shoes with the help of tiny naked nymphs. They play shoe-gazer music and make leathery love in there to push it down as far as possible.

And fake credits cards? I would imagine it's so you'll feel horribly inadequite and get more credit cards. That, or it's because they assume only REALLY dumb people will buy their purses, so they're trying to make it easy for them to figure out where they're supposed to put their cards.

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red, yellow, blue are when dealing with pigments.  All colors = black

red, green, blue is when dealing with light (ie computer monitors)  All colors = white

Or thereabouts.


But they don't REALLY make black in paint. It's more of a hideous grayish brown.

All colors = poop!

And thank you, assistant Marc-ish.

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Because it's compensating for the fact deep down inside, you're a greek god.

Your taking prompts from Phee!!!!!!!!!!

I have seen Vater in person.... you people wouldn't be able to handle it... He is like a Greek GOD!!!...

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From a knowledgable source known as Jasmin...

Back in the day, before your grandparents were born, all meat was made inside of animal intestines.  Think of sausage - sheep intestines.  Nowadays, they have molds, so there is square bologna too, but traditionally it is round because of that. 

Gross, eh?


Thanks...i was eating a salomi sandwich while i was reading this....i...suddenly dont want it anymore...

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why is it that society judges so harshly by the way you look and not by who you are???


Oh philosophy, why dost thou torture me with the sharp pointy hot things covered in rat fur with pink tassles so?

Let us think on the word "society."

4 entries found for society.

so·ci·e·ty ( P ) Pronunciation Key (s-s-t)

n. pl. so·ci·e·ties

*we'll use these*

The totality of social relationships among humans.

A group of humans broadly distinguished from other groups by mutual interests, participation in characteristic relationships, shared institutions, and a common culture.

The institutions and culture of a distinct self-perpetuating group.

An organization or association of persons engaged in a common profession, activity, or interest: a folklore society; a society of bird watchers.


[French société, from Old French, from Latin societs, fellowship, from socius, companion. See sekw-1 in Indo-European Roots.]

If you think about what that means... you'll notice that the idea of society is groups of people with varying idea, customs, fashions, tastes, cultures, sensibilities, religions... you name it. These things, these groups, are societies, as well as being part of the larger society known as human kind. Different groups just believe different things.

Take for instance, me. I love goth subculture stuff. I could be considered a part of the "goth society."

Taking me, again. I don't care for most jocks. I think that sports figures are WAY overpaid, undertalented, and just plain uninteresting for the most part. I see people in sports jerzees and I want to dip them in mud puddles up to their bubbling brains.

Now - you, being of the gothic subculture persuasion, are part of my society. You may or may not be part of my "sports jock hating" society. Let's say that you are. We now have two societal ties, if we view societies as being "groups broadly distinguished by mutual interests."

Okay, stay with me.

Let's say (since I don't know you, I'll make some stuff up) that you're part of a societal group of people who like to dress gorrillas up as sea captains. Let's also say that some of the people in your gorrilla dressing up society are part of a society who enjoys eating thai food out of pillow cases.

You might think that people who eat thai food out of pillow cases are just plain fucking NUTS. They break some serious social codes that you are way not cool with, and you just don't know how to feel about that.

Let's tie this to something more feasible.

You are... part of a societal group who likes to read. Books are awesome, lots of people like them. Lots of people like... mystery novels. So... you read mystery novels, you like to dress up gorrillas in captain suits, and you're part of a gothic subculture. Someone you know who reads mystery novels dresses like a tennis player, eats thai food out of a pillow case, and enjoys dressing gorrillas up in captain suits.

Still with me?

Probably not... that's okay, I'm not sure I am either. But onward anyway!

Lots of people have prejudices against activies that others participate in. This doesn't make any of those prejudices right or good, it doesn't make them fair, and above all, it doesn't make them the majority rule.

Society as a whole DOESN'T judge you harshly by the way you look. The problem is that society can never really be viewed as a whole entity. Portions of societies WILL judge you on your looks, and portions of society WILL judge you for YOU, it's just a matter of who's in the limelight.

In America, the majority of people who run our country are in the society who eat thai food out of pillow cases, and dress in tennis outfits, but they also read mystery novels. They often aren't aware though that you TOO read mystery novels, and that you TOO like to dress up gorrillas in captain suits.

Good god... where am I going with this?

Oh yeah. While it may be your perception that society judges so very harshly on looks alone... think about who YOU judge based on their looks. Don't say you don't. I won't believe you. There's no point in defending yourself, no one is listening, we're much too busy judging you for that whole gorilla thing. Freak.


***edit: Oh yeah, and societies WOULD still judge you by who you are, if they only knew. Unfortunately, or fortunately... depending.... we don't wear our selves on our sleaves, we wear what we want others to believe to be our selves.

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Why must my children not stand up for each other?



Kids go through these phases, long phases, where even though they care about each other, they must publicly be enemies. Otherwise, they would look far too sensitive and interested in each others' lives. It will pass. Give it until they're both over the age of seventeen, since you're a sensible parent. Were you not a sensible parent, I would say to give it until they were over the age of twenty four, and only then if they both follow the same religious and sexual right beliefs.

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Damn good answer about society.  Well done.


Thanks! I was worried that it would neither make sense nor be funny. Glad it somehow achieved a little of each. :cool

Why is Texas?

Because the men tried to cross the river at moonlight, and never were heard from again.

Also - reflect on roast beef and the way it makes potatoes spongy-yet-firm.

Post-also - hopefully, it will not be in the future.

What's the difference between a duck?


Mostly fatty acids, sometimes ultramarine blue, and a whole lot of goosedown in disguise.

How much dirt is in a hole two feet in diameter and two feet deep?


Only as much as is stuck to your boots and shovel. All the rest is walking bullshit.

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