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Saturday Luna, DGN event idea

I'm hearby posting the DG.n break the City Club Saturday habit for a night, night. Don't know if anyone will be into it, but I'm suggesting that we all put some variety into our Saturday nights, at least once.

I'm giving you guys plenty of notice, so there's no question that it was posted and that there was confusion as to which night. hopefully we can make this a fun night and get some people to experience another great club in Detroit with one of the best DJs around.

Saturday, April 16th, 2005

Luna Royal Oak

1815 Main St. at 12 Mile


DJ Chris Rohn will be spinning all night long (unless a freakish accident occurs between now and then or there is something I am unaware of).

Doors open at 9.

21+ Only

No cover before 10

$3 after 10

Drink specials before midnight.

And if you hate it, its within 15-20 minutes of City Club so you can leave and go to a safer haven :p

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For any newer people: there's nothing "official" about this post. But feel free to go wherever you want, just understand that "DGN Night" is Saturday at Leland City Club.

Nothing against Luna, and im not particularly partial to CC , its just that, its "the location for DGN night" and is going to be. If we ever did change it , would be a fairly "permanent" change, to a different club or night, not a one-off , hiccup type thing.

Its meant to be a regular , consistent "hangout night".

DGN Night is on Saturday at LCC if theres any confusion heres the thread:


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Hey, nothing like the head moderator coming in to trample his collective audience's plans!

"You guys go where you want, but you are only 1337 DGN if you go to City Club. DGN is at City Club only. Its all mine, my precious. Drew, you're ruining all my hardwork! Bad!"

Oh, I love it.

Btw, I'll try to go, but it is hard to anticipate my agenda a month in advance. I'm inclined to stop by Luna on Saturday's for a bit anyway.

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Please realize we are just trying to have everyone on the same page for the regular DGN meetup. We would like to support all the venues and encourage people to visit them, but right now we're just trying to rebuild our regular club night as a reliable destination for DGNers to meet each other.

No 'drama' or 'trampling' here, just clarifying 'official' from 'unofficial.' Move along now.

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Please realize we are just trying to have everyone on the same page for the regular DGN meetup.  We would like to support all the venues and encourage people to visit them, but right now we're just trying to rebuild our regular club night as a reliable destination for DGNers to meet each other and spread the gospel of Troy.


I see. Well... I guess that's all I had to hear!

Moving along...

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This topic-idea seems to have created a lot more trouble than i expected when i initially read it, more due to its wording than its intent.

Several PMs ,several emails and tons of IM conversations, that I've gotten since this thread was first posted, just to make a few things clear, ill have to comment a bit more.

First off abandon the idea that maybe nodrew is "against" DGN or some such and is trying to do something deviant. I don't think that's true nor do any of the longtime posters I've talked to that seem to know him well enough to comment.

The real source of the "drama" , seems to be the preception of the intent of this post and that perhaps that intent was somehow "bad" and was pruposly being "against dgn" in some way or other conflicting perceptions about it.

Many of us (including myself) read this initial topic post as:

"Hey how about this for a DGN event idea?"

(and responded as such and all seemed well.

My own initial commentary was meant in this light. )

But others viewed it as:

"Hey fuck dgn and the dgn staff and dgn night Im changing the DGN location screw them..."

(Thus generating a lot of rancor in thoes that viewed it this way)

Still others:

"Hey im going to Luna such and such a night instead of LCC what do you think you in?" which would have been all's well also.

(which is how at least some of the above posters read it)

Rarely do i like to edit the content of my own posts or others posts but there is just a silly amount of commentary due to miscommunication about the intent of this thread that i changed a few things in my above commentary and removed the word "official" from nodrews post to make the actual intent more clear and "DGN event idea" to the title.

I cant come up with any "perfect" solution to some of the abrasion that seems to have been created by this topic , but there it is. Way to much drama over one thread already.

I'll be referring any future IMs / emails on this subject, to this post that's being read now.

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I really should not be further commenting on this post. I apparently have no concept about what is 'cool' or what is 'not cool' in regards to posting on this board. Any policy questioning seems to be grounds for treason charges. I am not trying to over throw the rigid hierarchy, or throw a wrench in the master plan, so rest at ease. If reading my posts(any of them) chokes anyone up that much, you have my blessings to just delete it and replace it with a smiley face. I don't want to be responsible for any heart conditions. If you feel your heart rate raising while reading, stop reading immediately. Step away from the keyboard and get some fresh air. My posts aren't intended to cause that sort of reaction.

With that said, a community is more than the sum of the administrators. If a large subsection of the regular posters want to make an official night out for people who don't want to go to City Club, I don't know why the admins need to have anything to do with it. For an admin to roll in and "officially" trample the plans seems dubious to me. What sort of 'community' is this?

Does this mean Drew or anyone else is trying to over throw the fiefdom? Not at all. You're still in charge, and can have meetups where ever you want. If the admins want to have DGN Saturdays at the roller rink or Chuck E. Cheese's, go for it. Other people wanting to do something else just means they want to do something else. By telling us our inititives aren't official means we aren't an official part of the community... or the admins' community, however it is they view it.

I post on some message boards that are so huge that there is no way the admins could ever keep track of all the going-ons of the posters. They have meetups that the admins couldn't go to if they wanted, and they still get stamps of approval. Why anything done to promote a community's 'togetherness' is combatted or resisted in ANY way by the admins is beyond me. The people who run the board should be thankful people have gathered around their little camp fire and want to help provide it cohesiveness, instead of "trampling" it because some part of it doesn't jive with the proposed final vision.

That this is seen as "drama" also seems silly. Is there really that much buzz "behind the scenes" about this? I am shocked. People discuss things and disagree. Communities need open dialogue to flourish. If you don't agree, just don't agree. My last proposition is that people start taking themselves a little less seriously, and maybe start to actually enjoy the company you have around you. Otherwise, maybe what is needed are more Livejournal accounts.

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Saturdays at Luna are nice. Ive been going there on sat for about 2 months now and enjoy it very much..

CC is good and all

Ill be back there one day

its just the music is better on sat and all .. sorry dont mean to be dissing


(I've just made some friends at Luna and all and just liek to be there )


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I just want to say, that my original intent for this was to try and break people of some habits they may have and get them to TRY another club for one single night. Apparently, I hadn't realized that DG.n = LCC and LCC = DG.n. So there for, by talking bad about LCC, I was in fact talking bad about DG.n.... hmmm.... who would've thunk.

Personally, I think its BS that this post has caused as much trouble as it has, not only that, but that it was moved to the introductions forum. Out of the events forum, furthuring the idea that I can't even post an event IDEA and have it be taken seriously. Thanks for trying to be reasonable guys, but honestly, my life is way to stressful at the moment to have to worry about this type of response from a simple Go to Luna on a Saturday.

Sorry I offended people by saying the musics sucks at LCC on Saturdays (even though it does). I really didn't think that it would be such a personal blow.


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Drew i doubt you offended very many people with the music sucks comment. At least not any more than the usual "i dont like the music at X club" would normally generate.

If LCC was some special untouchable subject, the close and/or delete functions of this , and the old DGN work great, youll notice the sea of "complaint threads" about various places / things all over this board, and years worth of the same on the old DGN.

We "talk bad about LCC" all the time. I've bitched about LCC , so much that its a (minor) part of the reason that i was fired from WHFR. Have a look at the dozens of post on this board, and the years-old history of such posts on the old dgn. If LCC was some sort of holy calf, the delete functions of both this new IPB version of DGN and the old EZ board DGN really do as stated before, work great.

Any "DGN Night can only be at CC now and forever" comentary is based , not on DGN (or my) history but just an asumption that becasue thats where DGN night happens to be, theres something "un changable forever" about DGN Night @ LCC.

Read my post, 2 up from this one. I took a lot of time to write it, and it explains everything i know about this "drama" (thats fit to print) in a lot of detail. Its partly there becasue it was >you

I spent a lot of hours working things out with people as a result of your inital post. Spent at least some of that defending your post (email, pms, im). It (the above post 2 up) explains what the problem is/was. Im trying to make as many people happy as i can, i just cant make everyone happy its not possible.

I want everything to be all cheerful, content and whatever else but sometimes people get irritated and theres no real way to "fix it all" , unfortunately.

Other various comments:

I was at Luna last night, i must be "against DGN" ? No. I've bitched about the music at virtually every club i've ever been to long enough to really get a feel for what they play.

We've had DGN "stuff" all over the place. DGN was founded,at the time,in part, due to the lack of any active "pan detroit" non-single-club-centric place with a friendly atmosphere online. Theres how many posts on DGN? Less than .01% of which have anything to do with LCC.

DGN is purposly NOT "LCC" , LCC just happens to be the only club to my knowldge that fits the bill , in the terms described , for the intentions described.

I explained it pretty clearly. Whatever other spin is being put on it , is just that, spin.

The why / where has been debated page after page , and "in real life" over and over again, and could be debated for decades with no resolution and gone round and round with (and has been).

The "philosophy" of DGN Night is:

1. Its meant to be a basline "regular weekly hangout/gathering" night for DGNers that want to have a common place to hangout. Something that once you know where/when it is , you dont need to really check your email or check the board to "find out" where it is , you already know. A month from now, regardless if you've checked the board or not, you'll know were it is (barring a drastic change)

2. Its only for people that want to come. If you dont want to come, no hard feelings just dont come. DGN isnt centered around this one aspect of "DGN Night" you dont have to come to a club to be on DGN. We are just there to hang out and have a good time. If you have other plans, thats fine.

3. DGN Night is also meant as , sort of a side benifit, a promotional tool for DGN and seeks to be "newbie friendly" as well as include as many legal adults as possible (18+). A larger "tourist" crowd, with a clubber-base that tends to "shift" a bit more rapidly is more condusive to this. (wherever it may be) Its not meant to be some sort of elite hardcore type deal.

Im all for going out on other nights, to other clubs, and i'd be doing it all the time if i had the energy, but we need to pick for "DGN Night" one club, one night, and have it be consistant. LCC is the only club that has convinced me of its ablity to be open, regularly, consistantly , over the long haul as of yet. Saturday was chosen due to its generally more "touristy" crowd and a bit less "hardcore regulars" bent, that is, easier on newbies.

(these points can be debated, and i hesitate to even mention them due to the never-ending debate they can cause)

DGN Night is meant to be "in additon to" not, a replacement of any other thing(s) people might want to do.

I might be for looking at moving DGN night to a different night at some point. But not out of the blue, with no discussion, no moderator involvement, and on a night that leaves many of the DGN Night supporters unable to come (age requirement).

Also its unlikely i'd want to have it so soon , as DGN Night , has been dead for a long time. (Started to die sometime in 2003 after my disabling car accident) and has only in the last month started to get addtional draw due to lots of promotion , which is going a little slower than i'd like at that, due to having very little energy.

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