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My DGN Friends,

Are you looking for substance on DGN? At the bottom of this message you will find only a random sampling of posts that I found after looking at 3 of 6 pages of active topics from today alone.

DGN was created as a place where we can come to discuss so many aspects of our lives. In here you will find some posts which run the gamut of current technology, politics, spirituality, personal experiences of our members including those of a (gasp) sexual nature. We come here for support, comradery, entertainment and even to be informed of things which we may not experience in the course of the rest of our daily lives.

Posts which are meant to insult, degrade, and otherwise entertain at the expense of our fellow posters only detract from the DGN experience. It is disheartening to see that even a moderator on this site can find these types of posts so distracting that all of this healthy, positive discussion can appear to be drowned out.

Take a moment and skim through these threads. Get to know DGN again, get to know these people, old and new. Think about why you came here and why it is that you continue to post.

If you can't find the substance, then perhaps you are in the wrong place. You have a right to not post. You have a right to not read that which you find monotonous or annoying. I hope that after you depart you decide that there is something missing, something of "substance" which can again and still be found here at our home. A place we call DGN.



















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I believe there is a lot of substance on DGN and of course a lot playful foolishment which is fantastic too, but there does seem to be a trend with people attacking each other for being out spoken or flirtasous(sp?) or in general be and saying what they want or what they have done. Who am I or anyone else to down someone or judge someone. Its just not right. I think what some maybe calling fun or that they are just playing are intentionally trying to hurt others to make themselves feel superior. Ok enough of my opinion.....THANKS MARBLEZ

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I've seen and participated in posts both with and without substance. This is a place for both. It is NOT a place for people to sling insults or harass each other. If you feel like posting, great. If not, please refrain from being rude and typing whatever ignorant crap comes to mind when you see something not of your liking. Who do you think you are, trying to knock down others because of their lifestyle? Who died and made YOU superior?

Oh yeah. No one. Get it straight and grow up.

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Thanks Marblez.

This should be a safe house fro any type of discussion - whether it be shallow or deep - depending on the mood and intent of the group on any particular thread. That being said I've discussed both Word Peace and the shortness of my Pee Pee on DGN, but both topics had their place and time.

What I am guilty of from time to time, as are possibly a handful of the rest of us - is letting our anger dominate our communication. You yourself have contacted me before with a very sexy "Tsk Tsk Tsk" and informing me that you edited some needless verbage from my post because it was deragotroy and did not add to the topic at hand. And I had to agree with you (hate that) that you were right.

It IS a fine line at times however.

Because were jsut people, it is natural and yet unfortunate - that when we debate with diametrically (sp???) opposing poinnts of view - sometiems a personally condescending tone can be put in there. When that happens sometiems you need to call somone on the carpet for it and in essence tell them "stop being dick - this is a discussion". And other times - we might need assistance because were getting sucked in.

Personally - I'd rather be edited in public, even thopugh its potentially emberassing - because it gives us ALL a chance to reflect and see where things possibly took a wrong turn. But thats just me. I love (honestly) being a part of the DGN community and I love having a voice. But I'm also willing to pay the price for that public voice as well.

In the end Marblez - I thank you for this thread and your participation and hard work behind the scenes at DGN. I've both been humbled by you and have many times enjoyed your intelligent posts and warm bountiful cleavage, and would very probably be in the palm of your hand if not for the fact that my heart belongs to Brenda Starr. (alas and alack)

(still.... I'm a fan)


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I don't want this sort of thing to stop though.  Sometimes I come on here very depressed.  I have a dark sense of humor and you guys make me laugh when I need it most......in the way I need most.


A dark sense of humor is still welcome here and always has been.

Moderators often are criticized for editing and moving posts, however here lately I feel there actually has not been enough moderating. Nothing we do is taken lightly. I don't think most realize the discussion that happens beforehand. I also feel some have taken advantage of the fact that Troy has been ill and is not here and I find that revolting.

It is unfortunate that some feel they want to post insulting remarks while hiding behind a screen name - really I doubt those involved for example would walk up to an overweight person and make some of these same remarks to their face. I was offended myself and I'm not viewed by most as overweight (maybe in LA, but not here).

There are a minority on here who like to cast stones but may find their glass houses collapsing around them one day.

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Are you looking for substance on DGN?   

i don't always feel a need for "substance" on dgn. i like the random meanlingless threads like the coffee house, or the picture games, or just the ones that have to do with some silly incident and it carries on (the "serious" thread for example)

what i do feel the NEED for is people just to let people be. i am so tired of reading posts by fake people criticizing others for their lifestyles.

it bothers you that "fat chicks have sex" and you "don't want to read about it"?? then don't. i personally don't want to know about ANY of your sex lives which is why i don't read about them period. i don't care who you are ... your sex life is not interesting to me. period.

so to those of you who have to make a big damn deal about what is posted on here sex and otherwise - don't read it! ignore it. use the ignore button. it has been suggested to you time and time again.

just as you don't want to read about stuff like that - i am sure a great majority of people here don't want to read what you have to say either.

DGN was created as a place where we can come to discuss so many aspects of our lives.  In here you will find some posts which run the gamut of current technology, politics, spirituality, personal experiences of our members including those of a (gasp) sexual nature.  We come here for support, comradery, entertainment and even to be informed of things which we may not experience in the course of the rest of our daily lives.

exactly. so many aspects of our lives. so many different interests. i hate seeing people told what they should/can or shouldn't/can't talk about on here.

Posts which are meant to insult, degrade, and otherwise entertain at the expense of our fellow posters only detract from the DGN experience. It is disheartening to see that even a moderator on this site can find these types of posts so distracting that all of this healthy, positive discussion can appear to be drowned out.

that is actually how i am feeling lately.

missing out on the fun and stuff i used to like here because i have to always be on the look out for people here only to cause trouble and upset to others.

beyond annoying, it is immature.

If you can't find the substance, then perhaps you are in the wrong place.  You have a right to not post. You have a right to not read that which you find monotonous or annoying.

i hope people finally take this advice marblez.

they are the people who are making dgn what they are complaining it has become/is lacking. everyone else is just trying to enjoy themselves here.

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Just one year ago, posting on this board, I never would have believed where some of these threads have gone.  The spirit of DGN seems tainted.


this is interesting to me, because I have not been on DGN for very long.

Honest question/request:

What WAS the spirit of DGN previously like - and what kind of threads do you miss seeing or participating in? What kind of threads do you want to see go away?


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this is interesting to me, because I have not been on DGN for very long.

Honest question/request:

What WAS the spirit of DGN previously like - and what kind of threads do you miss seeing or participating in?  What kind of threads do you want to see go away?



DGN seems more full of anger recently. I remember a time when someone would say that something hurt their feelings either on the board or it was something external from the board and people would be supportive. There just wasn't as much anger. I find that I am adding to this anger, more recently, and I apologize for this. I will go back to my plesant, semi-informative posts. I also see more sexual tension on the board. This may or may not be where the anger may be coming from. I cannot say for sure. I guess DGN used to be more like a gothic support group from what color my hair should be next to real tough family issues. I of course never minded the jokes especially "I'm so goth..." Rambo and I have a Luna story for that.

*Calming vibes to the board.........*

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Well...I agree that tensions seem to run kinda high lately.

Such is the state of life sometimes.

When you get men & women together in ANY place I believe that sexuality comes into play. It's nature man.

The rude stuff needs to piss off...I mean be cooled out but that's an issue for us all as adults to settle in the PM forum and not in everyone's face if there is a conflict.

Overall, I have no issue with the fun I have here or the topics that come up. IF I DO..then I can just not comment on the thread correct? there...problem solved...not that there was one anyway.

*hugs the DGN*

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DGN seems more full of anger recently.  I remember a time when someone would say that something hurt their feelings either on the board or it was something external from the board and people would be supportive.  There just wasn't as much anger.  I find that I am adding to this anger, more recently, and I apologize for this.  I will go back to my plesant, semi-informative posts.  I also see more sexual tension on the board.  This may or may not be where the anger may be coming from.  I cannot say for sure.  I guess DGN used to be more like a gothic support group from what color my hair should be next to real tough family issues.  I of course never minded the jokes especially "I'm so goth..." Rambo and I have a Luna story for that. 

*Calming vibes to the board.........*



I just recently had a conversation in a department store regarding how much it seems that society as a whole, is just so much more angry now, and repressed, and wanting to lash out.....


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