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wormsinwombs last won the day on March 20 2010

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About wormsinwombs

  • Birthday 05/08/1986

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    This place
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    Its like a
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    Shit stain

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    Being an actual goth.
  • Referred To DGN By:
    The Internet

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  1. Have a Happy Birthday ^_^

  2. Howdy Howdy...Good Morning and Happy Birthday :)

  3. Does this mean I get free nuts? Or am I getting jacked off by nuts? Both?

  4. Oh you read the book well that makes sense movies are never as good! I really would like to read no country for old men just because i loved the movie so much.
  5. Randomly sending out hellos. Hello :)

  6. This is one of the few movies I had high hopes for and couldn't wait to see. Now I did enjoy it but it is nothing compared to the other 2 movies at all and I was not even expecting it to live up to dark knight but it doesn't even compare to begins. I never really bought that anna hathaway was selina kyle, she just seemed like a skilled thief but not catwoman. I also felt they could of done so much more with banes character. I'm finding myself remembering scarecrow better from the first film then I do with bane right now (and I haven't seen batman begins since it came out). Not to mention holy shit I couldn't understand what he was saying. I thought it was just me or the theater but I see that this is a common complaint and they really should of made sure they fixed that problem before such a huge movie like this went to theaters. I'm jealous I want to see dark knight in imax again haha!
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