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Morbid Side

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About Morbid Side

  • Birthday 09/21/1983

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  1. Sending Birthday Wishes :)

  2. Greetings and Happy Birthday :)

  3. Mmmmmm! Love you! Who needs the rest of 'em. You, Zi and Bella are my family. <3

  4. I actually have to side with the McNugget woman for them not giving her money back, I know I'd be ticked to. I guess it wasn't embedded in her mind that 911 is for Emergency use only, and she should have contacted McDonalds corp. or asked to speak to another manager.
  5. ambivilent but im enjoying and listening to my moods.
  6. Hang in there girly, you know that things have a way of working themself out.
  7. Whoa, this has spun way outta control. All I'm gonna say is that I've been on the skinny side my entire life and have had been called names and told to "eat a sandwich." and quite frankly that just means the person on the recieving end is sensitive and the one dishing it out is insecure that they feel the need to take a jab at your weight (There are far more things you can vilify someone about someone). When TG first met me she said I was way to skinny for her, and she had to fatten me up a bit. I was somewhere around 130 lbs! And yes i'm tall too..6'2 to be exact. As we started dating, I started to put on some weight and became comfortable taking my shirt off around her, even though I was still skinny as a rail. It wasn't until I went out west and packed on a whopping 50 lbs which went from 150 to 200 lbs which is the biggest I've ever been. None of my clothes fit and I had someone tell me at Walmart that I should be shopping for XXL shirts! Now I'm in the high 170's but I eat and snack like crazy..only alchohol and lil sweets do it. So moral of the story, skinny, fat.. it doesn't matter as long as your comfortable in your own skin. Have a nice day.
  8. The plan is for TygerLili and I to be there this coming Sat.
  9. Frustrated that I haven't been able to log into Facebook..ALL DAY! On a side note I'm feeling like shit physically and mentally.
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