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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/22/2009 in all areas

  1. These days I don't think a whole lotta people understand what real love is. They get addicted to somebody, claim it's love, then when they break up one of them, if not both, go play house with someone new, and lo and behold they're in love again. Jumping from relationship to relationship all in the name of love. And I won't even get on the subject of cheaters. I understand we're all human and we have flaws and make mistakes, but I think cheating on someone you love, well maybe this is the wrong terminology, but isn't that an oxy moron? Because how can you claim "love" but manage to bone someone else? I say keep it in your damn pants, male or female. Show some f'ing respect, and some restraint. Love is worth it when both people are mature enough to handle the good and the bad without bitching out and saying "Next!" And if you are in love, be grateful and nuture that shit because it ain't that easy for some people to find love.
    2 points
  2. torn asunder

    Thoughts on love?

    disagree - one can't fall in love with someone unless one allows oneself to do so. agree somewhat, although lust, too, seems a waste of time to me. short-term satisfaction which leads to more emptiness, because once the fun runs out/dries up, what is one left with? a big bag of empty... love no longer exists as it once did. today's society has made people fickle; they come and go as they please, they look for whatever's easiest, and if things become difficult, they bail. if you find another to walk life's path with, accept it for what it is, be grateful, but don't be surprised when those paths diverge again. it's the way of the "new" world... god, what a gloomy-gus!!
    1 point
  3. All of the horrible relationships I went through in the past, have only caused me cherish the person I have now, all the more deeply. Looking back, I realise that they were only a series of educational experiences, preparing me mentally and emotionally, for the love of my life. Had I not been through those hardships that resulted in failure, I would not have been strong enough to face the hardships that have resulted in success.
    1 point
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