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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/28/2009 in all areas

  1. Go have dinner with my awesome Mom.
    1 point
  2. Rev.Reverence

    Who Here Is Single

    That's all in your mind...I never held such a view.....I think your lack of smiling has to do with your unhappiness...not your single, double, or triple-nesses...that has little to do with being happy, for, if one is not happy alone, how can they find happiness in another...if one does not Love themselves, then, where will they find the Love to give to another? You think SO MANY peoples think down on you because you are single; this is simply not the case...it is your marked lack of a smile on most occasions...it is the snideness, & crankiness directed at everyone that is not of YOUR VIEW in life.....it is that you are never the bearer of good news...not directed at you directly...so to speak, but at all the peoples that would speak thus: @$$3$
    1 point
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