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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/18/2009 in all areas

  1. *In Foamy the Squirrel's caffeine-tweaked, cream-cheese bagel craving voice* What the Fuck happened to all the gingerbread mix I used for the crack-laden cookies?!?! I had to drive to no less than FOUR (count them, FOUR,) grocery stores before I found boxes of the stuff I need to make the cookies happen. *continues unintelligible tweaked out rant to fade*
    1 point
  2. TheGimp

    Who Here Is Single

    lol....I'm not referring to everyone but there's just certain people that when the post they don't seem to fully read what others are saying...misinterpretation and such ...anyway off topic yes iz still single hopefully not fer long
    1 point
  3. Just when you think your whole world is going to come crashing in.. The Universe sends some sunshine your way and makes the storm into a beautiful rainbow
    1 point
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