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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/25/2010 in all areas

  1. 2 points
  2. Rayne

    How Are You Feeling?

    I feel that I was unaware that youtube has branded Abney Park as "skip-hop" now ... as I tried to show my 7 year old the video many times today and each time, it skipped. Finally, we suffered through the skipping and replayed it afterwards and it didn't skip. His new obsession, besides penguins and The Beatles, is now Abney Park.
    1 point
  3. Did you read what the study actually was? It's kind of a silly measure. They just added up the number of times a station referred to one of the typical political thinktanks. Considering that the typical news report these days consist of "Important Person said X" and then giving the response from the opposition group's thinktank in order to provide "balance" and that republicans were in charge for 8/10 of the time of the study, I am not impressed. And it doesn't even measure the main sources of bias - omission of stories, the cutting choices of montages and the subtle, snide comments the anchors make about the stories during transitions. Fox is by far the most slanted organization calling itself "news" out there.
    1 point
  4. I am being totally serious here but I think that Colbert Report and John Stewart do it the best. They poke fun at the people that need it but they also turn it around and hit the other side with some mud. Yes it is on Comedy central and is sort of a joke but what they give you along with some investigation of your own leads to a fairly good and somewhat unbiased knowledge base. Honestly the comedy hitting both sides is why I like it. I have had many professors let us those shows as examples in class so they have some credit...
    1 point
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