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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/21/2012 in all areas

  1. Eevee

    Fav pic of yourself

    Its been a while. Prepare for photo onslaught. Fuck, I don't even know where I left off here. Oh well. Starting from last fall. Edit to add this one <3 I ended up fostering one of this little guy's brother's for the DGNer LoTek (my tattoo artist).
    1 point
  2. I used to post in this thread all the time! All woe is me type stufff...... but good news i found me a good man. I love him soooo much. I actually gave up on dating after some serious fiascoes. People used to tell me i would find some one when i least expected it....they were right.
    1 point
  3. TheGimp

    What are you writing?

    1) "zombie book" but not your traditional zombie virus book, still working on it, 2) been working on a erotic horror for about 2 years now, kinda like a Natural Born Killers (best way to describe it is that) thing, but a lil more gory and filled with more sex, Kat's read some of it. 3)and a graphic novel of something like a vigilantly to catch a predator with a father daughter tream that catch chesters and do horrible things to em.
    1 point
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