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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/02/2015 in all areas

  1. I have noticed a disturbing trend in people with mental health issues: reliance on self diagnosis. Looking up symptoms and bringing said symptoms to a professional and getting all the information possible on a diagnosis is helpful, but relying on a non-professional opinion will not help you! It will only hinder progress. Even doctors know that they should not (and ethically cannot) treat themselves. I know quite a few people who self diagnose and do not seek proper treatment, or do not follow professional treatment regimens because of either distrust of professionals or misguided trust in their own abilities. If you believe you have a problem, seek professional help. Write all of your symptoms down and gather information on them. DO NOT self diagnose and get upset when a medical professional does not agree with your amateur diagnosis. On the other hand, if the doctor is plain ignoring you or discounting major symptoms, find another professional. Don't try to do it yourself. A thread on mental health resources: http://www.detroitgothic.net/index.php?/topic/38227-mental-health-resources-for-michigan/
    1 point
  2. I'm all for being educated and people SHOULD educate themselves more about medical issues, but the topic title says it. Way too many people "think they know better". Now, maybe you have some doctor that is obsessed with the wrong thing, but that takes a long time to figure out. I've had to fire a few docs over the years, but its rare. They do do this for a living. And bring someone with you if its appropriate , especially if your a bit shy. They might catch something you don't, or maybe there is something you want to say but don't have the courage to. Also don't for get they work for you, you don't work for them. If you feel like they are downplaying your problems, fuck em, next doctor. There are plenty.
    1 point
  3. Corvus

    Hallowe'en 2015

    yes sir
    1 point
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