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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/12/2016 in all areas

  1. Invictus

    Synth wave anyone?

    So I've been listening to a bunch of synth wave lately, and I'm wondering if anyone else has run across it at all. Stuff like this:Megadrive: 198XAD
    1 point
  2. People will still be there if it's just me and bobby, I can't stay super late as I have court in the morning the next day but I'll sure still be there at 10, despite the people that bail right around then. There is sort of a rolling group, were the early birds don't necessarily even see the later ah.. birds.
    1 point
  3. kat

    Dark Cabaret

    Jill Tracy is my favorite<3. She is hauntingly beautiful in person. I saw her at Corpus Illuminata the summer and she is so, just, an amazing, humble natured woman. I can't wait to see her again.
    1 point
  4. Scary Guy

    Dark Cabaret

    YES! There is more, I just can't remember them all right now :/ EDIT: I thought of more: (that last one should start at about 9:33)
    1 point
  5. I'll be there. And I'd like a card to add to collection please.
    1 point
  6. Trene4000, TronRP and the Monchichis are planning to be there. Yes, we are pre-requesting cards. Don't worry Niisan, we're going to help you out at bit. Now if we could just do the "come on kat" dance, we might get Hot Chic to show up....*starts practicing moves*
    1 point
  7. I would have to agree with Evil Fish. Absynth is the cleanest, highest quality soft synth. You can go to KVR VST web site also and download a lot of free VST sound preset banks as well. My next choice would be Z3ta because of the various crunchy presets and fun leads. I also use Korg Legacy but it can be very CPU heavy. If anyone uses FLStudio, I would recommend the FLStudio bible. It helps with the learning curve of the program and is a fun read. I might be out at CC his Friday so if you have any more questions just ask.
    1 point
  8. i started off with a K2vk initially. We also used a Korg ms2000 and Novation synth. These days, d:konstruct uses all soft synths with midi controller for live shows. As far as favorites soft synths, here are my current favorites: Absynth Sytrus Morphine Toxic Saw Pro 53 Microtonic Z3ta Superwave etc. I'm getting away from using regular samples in the music and moving in the direction of using only soft synths. I find the sound quality is better and everything is done at the highest sampling/bit rate. aklso, a good sound card and AD converters help:) I still use FLstudio as a scratch sequencer to get fast results and then throw everything into Cubase, master it, and ship it off to my producer. I'm buying a Roland 2480 very sson to use for our online machine for our upcoming summer shows. It's gonna be sweet. If anyone's interested in playing a show with us let me know.
    1 point
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