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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/10/2017 in all areas

  1. 1 point
  2. TronRP

    What Are You Thinking?

    Ok...so do I drop kick this HP printer out the back door (now that it's been rendered obsolete thanks to Windows 10 ) or do I just go all "Office Space" on it!!! *shakes fist at universe...again*
    1 point
  3. Troy Spiral

    Who Here Is Single

    pfft. Who you kidding, I know for a fact, like doctor inspection style, that you have boobs. Your ball size is variable, from tiny to huge, depending on the situation. I think that last part is normal, which is one of the few things I think that IS normal about me and not to be presumptuous but most of us around here.
    1 point
  4. Scary Guy

    Who Here Is Single

    Virtual balls /= actual balls. You also have more boob mass than I do. Not to mention I'm pretty sure you've had a kid; so biologically it's all there. I'm sure eventually the right person will come along. It's just the waiting that's kills me (because time kills everything). At least I love myself, which is good because nobody likes a narcissist :D
    1 point
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