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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/21/2018 in all areas

  1. I've just been so caught up in things. You guys were there for me when I was going through all that bad stuff with my in-laws. Now I feel bad that I do not have time to post more on here. But I have not forgotten you all and I try to pop in and read stuff. The "what are you thinking" is a good thread. Because I am always thinking about something. But anyway, I will see what I can do get post more.
    1 point
  2. Hello my fellow Goth enthusiasts and lovers of Halloween! HearseFest in Hell Michigan, 2018 is cancelled, for now. A Livingston newspaper article has all the details about permits. One could Google that. My name is Keith Brown and I have sang spooky songs in Hell as Creepy Clyde since 2004. The HearseFest was scheduled for 09 15 2018. But my performance for that date has been cancelled along with the vendors and their booths, which always had beautiful Horror/Goth/Halloween creations. But on September 15th, I'll bet you'll still see lots of like minded folks going there, to Screams Ice Cream and Hell Hole Bar. I say go to Hell on 09 15 2018. It won't look like previous HearseFests, but I bet lots of folks will be there. By the way, Im booked there during the day, every Saturday and Sunday in October in Hell.
    1 point
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