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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/07/2018 in all areas

  1. TronRP

    Is It Just Me or ...

    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Wait, you're happy to know you are considered to be part of the rudest generation to date...did you not read my reply to your second post: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ In our need to label everything, this country tries to pigeon hole EVERYTHING even if it doesn't fit. So when someone says what generation they are, the person they are speaking to draws and automatic conclusion of the profile of the person they are speaking to and most will then try to adjust their speech pattern to match what they expect to be the attitude of that individual...without even knowing the true nature of that person. I typed it in red so my new comments wouldn't get confused with the quoted comments...
    1 point
  2. YES! They don't know what they're singing and their tone of voice make all the songs sound weird. Then they have to keep adding kids to keep it going, so now there's a bunch of kids singing weird songs *coughs cough* that i may or may not know *cough* and it's just weird altogether XD
    1 point
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