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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/10/2019 in all areas

  1. I feel like I need to express gratitude for winning a customer service award today. It's the little things like that in which I have to pay attention to in order to keep all my negative, incorrect thoughts about myself in check. Also, the ticket I received on my birthday was apparently dismissed by the officer. I called to get payment information and the clerk said it had been dismissed on Monday. I am not sure why but I did put in the universe for this ticket to somehow be forgotten or just go away somehow and it did.
    2 points
  2. TronRP

    YouTube Clickbait!!!

    Yes, the majority of us have all been there. You search YouTube for a video about something you wanted to see and end up spending the next untold number of hours spiraling down that neverending rabbit hole of "Up Next" videos, those "Ooh, that looks interesting" clickbait and fooling yourself with that "Just one more video" talk. So let's get a look at those videos that waste your precious time.
    1 point
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