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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/10/2019 in all areas

  1. Enjoyed my time at the gathering as usual. Was good seeing Jessie, Moe, Bobbi, Draco, Ian a new guy named Robert and several others. Missed @tronRP badly as usual. Yay @ moe dragging a new guy =D Hugs are good. Jerks are bad. @NocteSpiritus @Moe Falcon @sekhmet2002 @Nitewolf @Draco1958
    1 point
  2. Build the wall, build the wall, build the wall. And Chrysler will pay for it.
    1 point
  3. I totally get why some people don't want to engage in politics due to it being a headache or too stressful. Let us at least agree that even our most ideological opposite real-life friends are at least, 🖤 at heart, ♥️ where it counts, well meaning. It's the assholes that own everything at the top that have got us so at each other's throats. To the point where we miss out on otherwise good friendships over this crap. Deep down we really are on the same team. Us as in 'We the people.' Let's have each other's backs. ✌️ Not the billionaire con artists and government that is corporate owned and paid for the majority of both major parties. The blue pill and the red pill do have many troubling similarities. Stay positive when you can my friends. We can figure this out with a minimum of animosity. We just need to try. - Me
    1 point
  4. Some people move into a neighborhood and act the same way. Makes me wonder what is wrong with people.
    1 point
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