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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/14/2019 in all areas

  1. Oh I was saying how he looks more like me than his dad because people I know see him and ask him are you Mandi's son, apparently it happened to him at Taco Bell last night. Lol But he actually is teaching himself to read Tarot and collects crystals and goes to the metaphysical shops. He always brings me crystals and pendants and he got me a red jasper stone bracelet and it was from a store that I felt was a little sketchy so he gives it to me and I asked where he got it because it was cute and he told me the name and he goes, "don't worry...I saged it first" Kinda ironic because a huge factor that kinda made me start to realize that my husband and I weren't right for each other is that he had absolutely no interest in anything spiritual and I once took my son to an event at a neighborhood church event and he went ballistic and forbid me to ever take our son to church again (he was like 4 at the time probably) but now my son goes to catholic church with his dad's mom occasionally and likes going but now his also getting into paganism as well... His dad will probably try to burn me at the stake...he is probably so pissed that he got this from me. 😂
    1 point
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