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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/19/2019 in all areas

  1. Troy Spiral

    Thank You So Much!

    Wow! This is a $1600 CPU. Showed up today. No note. No idea who go this for me but thank you so much! Editing video on my existing comp is a huge headache. ✊😈💞 Hard to accept that some people care this much. I'm so used to jerks. Thank you!!!! 🤗 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm going to have to guess its at least @TronRP @sekhmet2002 and @NocteSpiritus. But really I have no clue. Thank you so much. I'm really trying to make a go of this whole "life" thing and having support emotional as well as this sort is a big deal for me. I don't get it from my biological family. (Except my mother who is pretty difficult to deal with) Thank you!!!! Now to get it setup and still get the gathering cards and the video done this week... good problem to have! YAY! If you know who bought this (or many someones?) I'm not sure if its meant to be anonymous or not. But if you could send this link to them even if they dont' comment. Its important to me that I'm able to at least try to say thank you.
    1 point
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