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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/21/2020 in all areas

  1. You're absolutely right. He should have never had my trust in the first place to be honest. Oh I could care less about his feelings right now. He is a criminal and a creep, bottom line. I should have never believed that he changed from his behavior as a kid. How brazen of someone to break in and in daylight! It's like he said f#ck you, look what I can do bitch. It's scary, he has to be a sociopath. No question.
    1 point
  2. ~~~~~ You shouldn't be so worried about what happens to him. I think you are missing the main issue here... HE BROKE INTO YOUR HOME!!! YOUR LIVING SPACE!!! YOUR SAFE HAVEN!!!!! Once he crossed that barrier, he broke any trust! Screw his feelings at this point!
    1 point
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