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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/31/2021 in all areas

  1. God had jack shit to do with it... and if he IS involved that bastard has a lot to answer for. "Thank god for the million plus dead people." How about that? Non-Consensual sadists are criminals, not divine morality examples. Create a whole race of beings for the purpose of kissing your ass? What kind of egomaniacal insanity is that? Willing to commit all sorts of the most evil acts as "showing faith in the lord?" The belief in fairy tales is starting to not be something I'm even willing to tolerate much anymore. We are about to >destroy the planet< >destroy democracy< primarily because of this mystical thinking bullshit. This is the only time a dictatorship would be a benefit. Fuck you anti-reality morons... your getting the shot like it or not. The intentional suspension of critical thinking is not a virtue. It is as close to a literal sin against humanity as I can think of.
    1 point
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