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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/14/2021 in all areas

  1. TronRP

    Bible Meditation

    ~~~~~ Actually, there is. On a computer, you can do a mouseover on the little white heart in the lower right corner of the post and you will see options. Unfortunately, I am not versed on how to do that on something like a smartphone. 😅
    1 point
  2. I had a real heavy smoking habit. Some would say I chained smoked when stressed. The only way I as able to stop was to change my habit. I made a list of the things I would do when smoking and changed things around to break the association. Coffee to Tea Wine & Spirits to Beer Fatty Foods to Salads Over time I lost the impulse to smoke and was able to change back to the things I like. Oddly I still have dreams where I'm smoking. So the feeling is really deeply ingrained. 🦊
    1 point
  3. I’m thinking, evil thoughts, how different the world will be after people start dying from the assortment of vaccines 🦊
    1 point
  4. If I was just risking my own life I wouldn't give a fuck. But it's never been about me personally. I hated zoom from day 1. I didn't even want to do it at all but was talked into it by people that don't even bother to show up. Despite the government ignoring science due to politics, I'd rather be safe than sorry. The current estimate is all restrictions will be lifted on July 1st. That doesn't mean all is well. It means... let's play a calculated game of roulette. Since forever 70% was the number of vaccinated people they had said was required. That won't happen in Michigan by that time. Tentatively, I'm thinking late July early August just as a guesstimate.
    1 point
  5. Agree with Scary; we've seen how theocracy works in other parts of the world. "Freedom" only goes to those who are part of "the failthful."
    1 point
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