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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/17/2021 in all areas

  1. You are the one that keeps it going, so there's that. And agreed in letting it go. This is where I quote Dean: "Demons I get. People I don't."
    1 point
  2. kat

    How Are You Feeling? (cont'd)

    ❤ U @TronRP
    1 point
  3. Mmm? Not liking what they found and projecting? Shrug
    1 point
  4. TronRP

    How Are You Feeling? (cont'd)

    ~~~~~ Believe it or not, but that is the reason they lashed out at me. My mind is blown right now.
    1 point
  5. Who'd do I have to kick?
    1 point
  6. TronRP

    How Are You Feeling? (cont'd)

    I was feeling like I could finally eat as I am getting back in from a very long day. However, now I feel like crying because someone misunderstood a lot of stuff that goes into this forum and took their frustrations out on me. I really have no idea why. I will continue to do my MOD duties, but I am only human and I do not pick a fight with anyone. But people will see what they want to see. Even if it is in writing....
    1 point
  7. Having read the related posts, yes knowing the problems that led to this helps. Too many episodes of "My 600lb life". Kat, best of hope for you in all of this.
    1 point
  8. TronRP

    Bible Meditation

    ~~~~~ Actually, there is. On a computer, you can do a mouseover on the little white heart in the lower right corner of the post and you will see options. Unfortunately, I am not versed on how to do that on something like a smartphone. 😅
    1 point
  9. I had a real heavy smoking habit. Some would say I chained smoked when stressed. The only way I as able to stop was to change my habit. I made a list of the things I would do when smoking and changed things around to break the association. Coffee to Tea Wine & Spirits to Beer Fatty Foods to Salads Over time I lost the impulse to smoke and was able to change back to the things I like. Oddly I still have dreams where I'm smoking. So the feeling is really deeply ingrained. 🦊
    1 point
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