Yes, 100 percent. Of all the people in the world how can we assume that the right person or a person we fit with just so happens to be born in the exact same spot we are. I know that may sound silly maybe because of the amount of time I have spent thinking about it but I guess that's the reason I enjoy zodiac stuff. I believe in signs and the universe and how I can do something like pray to God and ask to be shown a message or something one night and then the next day someone leaves my tip wrapped up on the table in a pamphlet from their church. It just happened the other day. I was crying and praying and needed a sign and the very next day that exact thing happened. Maybe it's confirmation bias, maybe it's not..that's the exact reason people say to have faith. I am sorry I didn't mean to go on a tangent about this. Church dismissed. My very weird church, of course.