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  1. Yes, 100 percent. Of all the people in the world how can we assume that the right person or a person we fit with just so happens to be born in the exact same spot we are. I know that may sound silly maybe because of the amount of time I have spent thinking about it but I guess that's the reason I enjoy zodiac stuff. I believe in signs and the universe and how I can do something like pray to God and ask to be shown a message or something one night and then the next day someone leaves my tip wrapped up on the table in a pamphlet from their church. It just happened the other day. I was crying and praying and needed a sign and the very next day that exact thing happened. Maybe it's confirmation bias, maybe it's not..that's the exact reason people say to have faith. I am sorry I didn't mean to go on a tangent about this. Church dismissed. My very weird church, of course.
    1 point
  2. ~~~~~ Ah, now your zodiac comment makes sense. Have you ever thought that maybe the person for you just doesn't happen to live anywhere near where you are. Who knows, they might live in another country.
    1 point
  3. ~~~~~ I actually bonded with a person at the vet's office (before COVID) over pets. Although you were supposed to be on a people date, you can really get to know a person listening to them tell stories about their fur babies. You could use that as a starting point if you want to see where it goes with this guy.
    1 point
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