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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/31/2021 in all areas

  1. It's how I kinda feel with the endo; here take these too meds and see me in three months. How about I do something else and I'll come back. The something else is a diet change (a slow go, but working on it), gym (still working on getting my first visit done), and a green tea pill thing to help with burning fat.
    1 point
  2. Current location? - Utica, MI Where from? - same Gender? - Trans MtF Work? - Engineering School? went to Kettering University for engineering degree Kids? no Married? no Single? no (partnered, open relationship) Hobbies? hockey, dogs, bbq, music, DJing Age? mid-thirties How Did You Find / hear about DGN? - had googled goth stuff Detroit before
    1 point
  3. I find it sad that when I speak to a certain caliber of individuals, I am practically told to dumb it down a bit because "In 2021, nobody says...anymore". So what's going to happen in 2022? We will all communicate with grunts because hand gestures will be too much work...? 😏
    1 point
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