I got all cute, try on everything I own that was somewhat sexyish, did all the things, went outside; seen snow, starting driving to meet this guy and I as I got closer something kept gnawing at me to turn around and take my ass home so I listened to my gut for once, I seen a couple mini flags. Maybe it's because he's an aries like me and we're both kinda like meh. I blew him off again and I do feel like an asshole but he wanted me to go to his house but lied about something as to why he couldn't meet me or come out to my area and hang out. 🚩🚩🚩 I mean, maybe he is a good man but he just seems indifferent. I feel like we are in competition with each other as to who can make up stupid reasons not to meet to see of the other one caves. Well played, fellow Aries. Maybe if I was a Cancer or Pisces. Lol