Dude, I know the feeling. That was me during my entire 20's after I discovered what was planned for me. It took some time (about a decade), but I finally decided to try positive thinking, regardless of my situation, and I found that even though the current event still had to run its course, I was able to put a heartfelt positive spin on it to help me cope. That proved especially necessary during the passing of our mother since I was becoming "Head of the Estate".
Short Storytime:
Our mother chose to do hospice care at her home and passed away early morning surrounded by loved ones. We informed her Hospice Nurse of her passing and waited for her to arrive before we started final plans. However, knowing the kind of person our mother was, me and my siblings immediately started the process of beneficiary paperwork while her nurse was still there and the funeral home was on the way to pick up the body.
The nurse was like we should watch what we say because souls linger after death. I looked her straight in the eyes and said, "Exactly! If our mother didn't hear us talking about the Will and beneficiary preparation along with the mortgage payoff, she would haunt each of us and then there would be no rest for anyone." We all had a good laugh about it and made sure to address every aspect of the upcoming responsibilities all before the hearse arrived. Our expression of love for our mother helped pull her nurse out of the depression she was starting to sink into and she thanked us for making the transition less traumatic.
It was an unavoidable, highly emotional time, but a good attitude and positive thinking goes a long way.