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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/03/2022 in all areas

  1. Stu

    Sad and scared

    UPDATE - Good news!!! So I got to bring Moe home last Friday night. She has made a REMARKABLE recovery! Since the Saturday night before, when the attack happened and doctors were talking to me about "end of life" strategies to last Friday when she texted me with complaints about the bad food and boredom (and finally getting discharged), it's truly been a classic emotional rollercoaster! I was surprised when I stopped by the following Tuesday after her admission to see that the respirator had been removed, and her faint, raspy speech coming back fully by Wednesday. By Friday, all the tubes were out, aside from the very last one, and she was once again cracking wise - the Moe we all know! Took her home and corrected that whole bad food thing. She's still not 100%, as she's adjusting to new medication, and she looks as if the ambulance rolled OVER her, rather than transported her, the bruises on her hands and arms the affects of the infusions. But it looks as if she'll be okay and she (and I) appreciated all of the kind words you had me pass along. Hopefully I'm done with fear and anxiety for a while. Not my style!
    1 point
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