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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/18/2022 in all areas

  1. ~~~~~ It was great. We did a tag team. I cut for an hour, until it ran out of gas (that allowed me to cut all the fronts, mine and Trene's side lots, my other neighbor's back yard and half of the back yard of the HomeHouse which usually takes 3 hours with my AWD walk behind), then my neighbor filled the machine and finished the second half of the HomeHouse backyard and my back yard. He and his wife have been trying to find a way to pay me back for trimming up their yard and cutting back over a decade of brush and overgrowth. Since he knew my mower suffered a catastrophic failure, he offered me the use of his. 😊 With the coming rains, this should buy me enough time to get something working by the next clear day.
    1 point
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