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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/04/2022 in all areas

  1. $h!† damn sorry to hear that, thats my biggest fear is dying before my kids are grown here in like one or two hundred years from now and there being not one single competent or remotely suitable person to pass on the task to. All I've got in my favor is decades of hard living and brutality that made me more human than human, or about to die next I'm not sure! Not making light I seriously feel for y'all, im just having a F'd up day of free time and solitude spiked with madness. It's same story where I live tho too, all the males die off unaturally young, it's a land of infinite widows.
    1 point
  2. If my memories of Michigan from early mid 2000s to 2012 serve me well then, uh, yes yes. They made an awful big mistake not keeping a sanitarium or two up there lol.
    1 point
  3. I feel like insanity has gone insane and they need to build inane insane asylums now.
    1 point
  4. WhiteLines

    Photos you've taken

    Improv White Family photo taken in midst of the 13th hour chaos before zero hour departure back to the highways today.
    1 point
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