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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/05/2022 in all areas

  1. Then indeed we must meet so you may be delighted with my hilarious outlaw antics which i use to shock and awe the general public across the cities that my travels deposit me in lol.
    1 point
  2. I think if I'm in one piece long enough to arrive on our jobs in MI not long from now then I'll attempt extending open invitation to anyone on DGN with the means to find me and the time to kill, if you fly and I'll buy... I'll buy lunch err uh buy tattoos or buy a bunch of fruit to throw at random strangers idk. I reckon I'll need a break from these degenerates here as well as be able to bull$h¡†' some intelligent conversation jive with an objective individual like y'all intelligent peeps here. Life has taken a swift shift toward uncontrolled chaos so at the least if theres anyone that own's a time machine I'll just give ya $1000 cash to let me rent it for 30 minutes lol.
    1 point
  3. @kat @WhiteLines
    1 point
  4. Oh my bad my typing digits musta gotten too excited, that's supposed to say *TOMOHAWK* 🪓 even tho it's an axe.
    1 point
  5. Warning Tampering With This Facility Is IiiiiiDGAF, I scaled a 30 foot tall vertical block retaining wall and crawled thru a bunch of thorn bushes and trees to get up here I'll climb up on top the barbwire fence and pose for a picture buck neck'id if I want, screw you federal government you're on stolen land and I'll tomohaw the first SOB that comes up here tryin' to tell me where to go or what to do. Bee'yotch, okay rant complete. Post.
    1 point
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