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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/09/2022 in all areas

  1. Damnit now that's the 3rd random comment about the amount of muscular power I'm stealthily hiding inside of a 116 pound body lmao. A hotel maid let me put all my wet clothes down in the hotels big ass industrial dryer this morning right before we checked out because i was hollerin in the hallway lookin to kill the fella that had the only guest laundry dryer tied up from 4:30am to 10:30am, i came back down to get my crap and she was foldin my dang clothes and says "yer a lil feller, i bet you can scrap, ppl like you's alway strong as hell" lol. Then somebody at a grocery store that watched me swing two 20 pound bags of ice from the floor, land them balanced on one shoulder and sprint all the way to the self checkout. And now this. Its not my fault I can chop a 2x4 in half by flicking my tongue at it okay. LMAO, really I call it Rage Work, i harness all my insanity for it. This is the 1st time i stopped long enough to breathe since about 5:00pm yesterday LOL
    1 point
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