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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/13/2022 in all areas

  1. I think the rest of my crew accurately defined what the haircut pattern i shaved my head in must be, they said it's a version of the "landing strip" ppl shave on their nether-regions lmfao. All of us was laughin our asses off, I say "yeah y'all motha F'ers, that's to guide tha poontietang in for a landing... on mah face, wtf?!" I really just done it for bein' crazy and not givin' a f#¢% tho lol.
    2 points
  2. For real y'all, as soon as I end up close enoughto the area for someone to kidnap my @$$
    2 points
  3. ~~~~~ Maybe we're feeling the universe right now and our auras are getting sucked into the vacuum of unstable crazy that is permeating the corners of this reality due to all of the unnatural circumstances that are abound. Hugs
    1 point
  4. ~~~~~ I can just picture you all tiny and cute, standing on that sidewalk, performing and singing your little adorable head off to an adoring group of grown-ups. 🥰
    1 point
  5. This is where I used to live, the house itself is actually gone and now a parking lot for the apartment building. That yellow apartment building is where I used to sing and dance in front of the stope for my neighbors when I was a little girl, at the corner of that alley is where I was walking home from doing the grocery shopping with like 5 bags one day and a familiar looking man with a southern twang had approached me and said, "Hi Mandi, I'm your dad" I was 12 last time I seen him I was 4. 2651 Central Ave 2651 Central Ave, Detroit, MI 48209 https://g.co/kgs/xRZAKi
    1 point
  6. Stu

    How Are You Feeling? (cont'd)

    They could use you. I've had more than a heaping helping of CPS and DHS workers who are... shall we say, "less than stellar"? In fact, they're malfeasant state-employee hack check-cashers who want to look good on paper so the checks keep rolling in. So they pick a target and make shit up on official reports and there's nothing you can do about it. I cannot tell you how frustrating it can be to be to be up against that "wall." My guess is that most of them have that mindset of wanting "to help kids," but then the job poisons their minds; it's tough, unhappy, often gut-wrenching work. (A good friend of mine used to do it. After the state kept adding to his responsibilities without upping his pay, he decided to ditch that job to DJ full-time. The stories he tells....)
    1 point
  7. TronRP

    How Are You Feeling? (cont'd)

    ~~~~~ Exactly. Cases like those, the Turpin children, the cult "Children of God", the feral children raised by dogs and wolves in countries like Russia and the Ukraine, etc., made me wish I was a vigilante for child justice. I studied Child Development in college and was introduced to case loads of child abuse and abandonment cases that had long reaching effects into these kids adulthood development. Very few are able to escape with their sanity intact. It's never ending 😶
    1 point
  8. This year is going to be an economic roller-coaster.
    1 point
  9. Omg yes, 💯💯💯 let's go!
    1 point
  10. ~~~~~ We should get together, talk and have a drink...
    1 point
  11. TronRP

    How Are You Feeling? (cont'd)

    ~~~~~ I totally understand that feeling of wanting to protect the innocent. We went to school with kids that needed to be rescued and they saw us as their only outlet. Our mother would let them come to our house to play and eat food out of our garden. Sometimes we had to do it in secret for a couple of the kids so their parents didn't retaliate on us...again. But something happened back then and the system changed because all the struggling kids got extremely overlooked and the system came after us because we were being raised by a single mother of 4 kids. We had food, we had utilities, we were doing good in school, we had a church support system, but the state said their was something wrong with us because there was one son and no father figure...living in the home. 🤨 Every time we had to report to the Children's Center, they kept reminding us about pregnant teens (because there were 3 girls). Sure we used to babysit, but I was 7. I was more interested in taking care of other peoples' kids and sending them home and being paid for a job well done. They watched us like a hawk until the last of us was 10 years old and our mother had gone back into the workforce. The system got even more broken by the time the Monchichis came along which is why we made sure to get them and protect them from the state. By that time, they had no shame in there being documentation regarding how much each child in the system was worth to that particular state. And yet, while the city was trying to get their hands on our little ones, I was watching babies under the age of 3 being neglected by 2 households full of adults right across the street from us. And there was nothing we could do because they were already moving the children around to keep them on the move. Oh my, I really didn't mean to go into all of that, but I still get upset about how the system is still "handling" things. 😒
    1 point
  12. TronRP

    Whats song is on your mind?

    For some reason, Calloway and "I Wanna Be Rich". Not sure if I'm having an 80's flashback nostalgia moment, or if I'm feeling the lyrics. 😅 ~~~~~
    1 point
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