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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/15/2022 in all areas

  1. They're used to it and they're used to me popping in out of the breeze and cleaning it all up in one big say or two event every so often (strangely very similar pattern to my last relationship) they have lesrned from watching mom one your done with stomething you just throw it down or leave it wherever its at. I got tired of it over and over and 6 months ago i told um all theyre goona start cleaning it themselves. This is the first time i ever seen a room get mostly cleaned up tho. Somebodys worried about finishing what we was engaged in talking about the final hour that i was here a week and a half ago, looks that way at least. I gotta wait for kids to go to bed tho, i dont like them getting front row seats to this kinda crap.
    1 point
  2. That is when it looks better than average, you can imagine when it's worse.
    1 point
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