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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/07/2022 in all areas

  1. WhiteLines

    Might as well sing.

    Wow! I just noticed this Topic a week or so ago but never managed to get back around to here and check out any of the posts. That indeed is some pearly gates and shiny gold halo kinda voice you got yourself there.
    2 points
  2. Indestructible
    1 point
  3. TronRP

    Might as well sing.

    ~~~~~ Including @kat IKR!!! I love the way she can sing like this and put it out there for the world to love her Definitely inspirational 😊
    1 point
  4. In retrospect, it's ironic that upon first arriving here on Tuesday I happened upon favoring the idea of roundin' up any and all of my *ahem..." various contraband from out of my luggage and go T-totally crazy overboard with it all (that excluding Rx prescription meds) The idea having been to be as a last hoorah to pupils the size of 50 cent pieces, and take one of my routine loosely defined breaks. It's ironic, because knowing now that I'll be having to run work again, I woulda done this same thing anyway... Consume everything in my path, be higher than Godzilla's tittie for 24 to 72 hours, then reform my ways back into 2017/18-like levels of responsible behavior lol. I'm sure to need most of my wits and half of my cunning... No! Wait... ALL of my cunning in order to run these TCS/Carhartt installs... I will also need a crew and a licensed driver which is still a problem no one's found a solution for lol. *McWordy Typealot's Spam Rant 'O Tha Day* 07/072022
    1 point
  5. There's a good sized and well organized Salvation Army thrift store only a quarter of a block from my hotel. I'm bout to go there... for the forth time since I arrived here lol. Somebody else's trash often happens to be my treasure LOL
    1 point
  6. ~~~~~ Hugs
    1 point
  7. Inflation ain't no joke...😵
    1 point
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