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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/22/2022 in all areas

  1. Technicality for the win!!!
    1 point
  2. kat

    Welcome Corvid

    1 point
  3. I usually don't carry papers on me since I don't smoke marijuana at all but the Bossman almost always has a book of papers on him at all times 👍 LOL I don't register my firearms with the government tho. My papers for my guns can be found in the United States Constitution haha lol 😜
    1 point
  4. Corvid

    Welcome Corvid

    Thank you so much for the birthday wishes!! Im corvid, born and raised in Detroit, Mi i don’t really label my gender but im more Non binary leaning. I work as a artist, i have no children, single-not looking. and my hobbies include sculpture, makeup, fashion, and music ^-^. I heard about dgn by simply searching for gothic communities in detroit, and to my surprise i found dgn that happened to be still active :O. My screenname comes from my love of crows i hope to meet more goths and outcasts by being apart of dgn! and to one day go to a meetup….probably when i turn 18 next year(i have to play it safe!!). Thank you for reading 🤎
    1 point
  5. Thanks. I couldn't help but start dancing in the machine thinking I was at CC. Lol
    1 point
This leaderboard is set to Detroit/GMT-05:00
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