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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/21/2022 in all areas

  1. I have noticed that. It's like, imagine if they thought that way about everything we studied 🤔 Just because we want to know and understand how something works doesn't mean we are going to live that. I just like to understand things so I can be as informed as possible. I tell my daughter that about politics too. I think in order to make an informed decision we should do what my political science instructor did to us..he made us debate from the side of what we were opposing. I loved it. It was one of favorite classes because of that.
    1 point
  2. I was remembering a time back when I was in High School and I mentioned how I was told that people who used "colorful metaphors" did so because they didn't know how to use words to express themselves properly. I was told that I didn't know what the "F" I was talking about. I gave them 3 different definitions for the "F" word and asked which one they were referring to. Of course you know they had some choice "metaphors" for me, but, in that case, I proved my point. 🤣
    1 point
  3. ~~~~~ A word of caution. Be aware of your audience when (or if) you share what you learn. I got earfuls because I studied religion as a subject and not as a belief so I was able to be more objective with my educational findings. No one ever want's to believe they worship in vain.
    1 point
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