I was in the thrift store today, a woman goes, you're hair is beautiful, I turned around to say thank you and she said I was beautiful and she wanted to sing me a song, so she started serenading me, the song "You are so beautiful" twice.. the 2nd she turned into a hymm. I actually have never been so flattered and simultaneously embarrassed in my life but I remember her from before at the gym years ago. She is different, claims she was delivered from being a lesbian and drugs and mental illness and stuff. I remembered everything from meeting her like 8 years ago, when she prophesied to me at Planet Fitness. I'm pretty sure I posted it here even. It was a strange day. Strange, but sadly, the most romantic thing someone has done for me in years. I don't think she's delivered completely and it's ok to be a lesbian lady now drop your number..(kidding ) seriously, idk why she equates it with other stuff but I'm thinking it was her church. In my humble opinion, but glad she feels better and is happy with her life. I mean I did ask God yesterday if I was ugly 🤷