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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/26/2023 in all areas

  1. ~~~~~ Oh no you didn't!!! Now that "Gummy Berry Juice" song Sunni made up is going to be stuck in my head all night. 😆
    1 point
  2. I suppose I may have overreacted, jumped to conclusions, went off the deep end. Grrr. I feel bad because he had no idea what I was upset about and was blocked by the Time he got home. That's mean. Childish. I finally grew a pair after he actually asked me what he did to upset me and I told him..everything I wrote, fuck it, he knew me since I was like 12 and knows I'm emotional and sensitive and easy to stir and he used to pick on me so much before we actually went out with each other. For years...because I had a crush on him forever, that's why he jumped off the paddle boat and swam to the shore and left me in the middle of the damn lake on the boat at my friends uncles house when I was 15 by myself, freaking out and laughing at my ass..he's like well I came back to get you! You could have just paddled the boat 🤣🤦‍♀️ He's goofy and silly and a big dork like me. Smdh.
    1 point
  3. So, the boy is now on Spring Break. I wonder if he is going to consider this to be worst than "The Worst Break Ever" because I'm going to put him to work. He called Winter Break "The Worst Break Ever" because I asked him to look up a single word and he considered that to be "school work". So at least this time I will give him something to complain about.
    1 point
  4. Gummy bears...
    1 point
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