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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/04/2023 in all areas

  1. Anna Phylaxis

    Just Wanna Say…

    Last night was awesome. I was nervous coming in, but it felt like home. We’ll probably start coming out more ☺️ If I missed saying hi to anyone, I apologize. Anxiety is a bitch 🖤
    1 point
  2. The leader of my group pointed me out of the Crowd walked off stage to me and I realized what she was doing. She was about to force me to dance. I was walking backwards away at first, And so we danced a traditional Russian dance to a Russian song. I couldn't help but smile and laugh. It really refreshed my whole week.
    1 point
  3. ~~~~~ The posting that you, phee and others used to do was the inspiration behind me starting Board Domination Week. There was such sporadic activity the year that I joined that I was able to top the leaderboard with 11 posts for one day. I started going crazy on here and my Purple Elf was everywhere. I just kinda never stopped some 10+ years later. I call DGN my publicly, private online diary. 🤣
    1 point
  4. Anna Phylaxis


    Stuck to me like glue. My literal everyday life 😂💖
    1 point
  5. Tied up my legs to the smell of campfire, the sound of live music in the distance, and making tea. It's a good morning indeed
    1 point
  6. I remember the days where I posted so ridiculously much, along with Phee and Paper Hearts, that nobody could touch us. And it was never to see who could post the most. OK, maybe once or twice it was 😂 we had so much fun. For real, some of the greatest people that I know are people that I met, right here.
    1 point
  7. Oh gosh y’all. If you ever see me at an event, please please butt in to whatever covo I’m having. I love meeting, re-meeting, and catching up. Plus I have severe ADD yall… I hyperfocus super easily so please please get my attention! I promise I won’t be mad and of course! Hugs are welcome ♥️ oh gosh y’all. The event was so fun. I can’t get on the dance floor and move like I use to. But seeing so many people on it was a bit heartwarming honestly. I look forward to whatever get togethers there may be in the future ♥️ I’m so far out tho idk when I’ll be able to next attend anything. But yanno… I look forward to it.
    1 point
  8. Awww! Next time butt in! Hopefully there will be a next time lol 🫂🫂
    1 point
  9. Pictures from last night. Has anyone seen my arms? I must have left them in a box at dinner. 😄🤣😂 @Scary Guy here's pics from @Reaper.
    1 point
  10. ~~~~~ I was standing there waiting to say something to you, but I was afraid I would interrupt your conversation...then I got blindsided by a fan girl moment. Hi
    1 point
  11. Marblez

    Welcome Not_Bean

    This thread is a very beautiful thing.
    1 point
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