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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/06/2023 in all areas

  1. (If I missed a thread already existing, I apologize!) Share your works in progress, or finished items! I mostly knit and crochet! I usually make hats but I wanted to show off this hood I recently made. I’m currently making a black and silver one, and will post it once it’s finished. But for now, please enjoy this crocheted fall themed hood, paired with my favorite wig lol
    1 point
  2. Another thread of such talented individuals. There should be a "Like All" button on some of these topics!!!
    1 point
  3. @Scary Guy Thank you for providing the assistance. @Science_goth_Megan I definitely love the look! Also: If there are certain topics that you like, you can hit the "Follow" button at the top of the page. If there are members you want to follow, you can click the "Follow Member" button on their profile page. And again,
    1 point
  4. Not sure how to answer the form, I’m still trying to figure this website out. Answers below. Current location: Westland, MI; Where From: moved a lot as a kid, but graduated from Wear Bloomfield; Gender: female (she/her); Work: geologist at an engineering firm; School: bachelors from Eastern Michigan, masters from Bowling Green (ohio); Kids : 1 girl (8 years old as of 2023); Married: yes, since 2010; Hobbies: sewing, gardening, rock and mineral collection, camping, hiking, biking, and dancing to dark music. I am old enough to get into City Club (40+) although I prefer Small’s in Hamtramck. As to my DGN name…. I’m so bad at coming up with clever handles…. I’m a scientist and I’m a goth and my name is Megan…. Not very original. I learned about DGN at a memorial event for Troy. T0RN ASUNDER invited me to the webpage (thanks Mike!) photo for funsies. I can’t figure out how to compress a photo to use as my profile picture
    1 point
  5. I'll add it for you, then. We're actually closer than you think
    1 point
  6. The hooded capelet I finished. I will get better pictures of it later but I finally finished it!
    1 point
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