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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/17/2023 in all areas

  1. Adopt an extreme mindset that NO ONE is the boss of you. Being a contractor, I am technically "self employed" whether I'm working as myself or for another company, or for a man that's working for a man that's working that's working for a middleman, and I behave the same in any situation in any location... batshit f*¢*in' crazy, nobody orders me around, I do what I want whether it's walking backwards thru traffic in front of a grocery store or operating a forklift blindfolded on a multi million dollar job site. (Funny story for another time guys, the entire Rochester Hills sheriff department pulled me over on my drive to work the other morning literally right in front of the parking lot plaza... and I didn't take no sh¡t from them either lol, they sent me on my way told me have a nice day. I said "You ain't the boss of what kinda day I have" lol, the last bit is BS but ya know what I mean homegirl, don't let nobody push ya around. Shifting your mindset to be tha boss, takin no sh¡t from anyone, it can shake up your perspective in positive and empowering ways. That's my 10,000 word long way of saying "always be yourself and don't let no one push you around at least" LMFAO
    2 points
  2. ~~~~~ I shall accept your acknowledgment of my knowdomness and bid you well in your venture. Now sally forth my good man.
    1 point
  3. OMG are you stalking me lmao. Yeah, and we're staying at this super shithole of a red roof inn like 7 minutes down the road from the Ulta lol.
    1 point
  4. Ohh about the security and penis? 🥂 🤣
    1 point
  5. @kat I know you deleted the comment, but I just had to laugh at that.
    1 point
  6. ~~~~~ My brother tried the pillow thing once with an Aunt. Did not go over well at all. Made me take mine off. I had tied a giant white pillow around my waist with a bright green hair yarn. Stuffed one end up the back of my dress and stuck the other end into my bloomers...like no way they would notice that. The mind of a 6 year old. 🤣 My mother lived in a dilemma of sorts raising us when it came to physical punishment because she was a divorced, inner city mother of 4, on welfare (for a short time), under the scrutiny of family and immediate neighbors. If she didn't "spank" us, she was told we would become the next statistics (3 pregnant daughters and a son dropping babies). However, every time she spanked us, she would cry. We began to learn that if she didn't have to spank us then we wouldn't make her have to be sad. Therefore, we knew that if it got to the point where a spanking was coming, we 100% earned it.
    1 point
  7. We invited the safe word, "alright," I'm sorry, ma", I'll be good " I want my granny!" And.. "You're not my real dad!" Are some examples.
    1 point
  8. You guy remember when you were little and you knew you was about to get your ass beat with something so you'd run and put on like 3 pairs of pants? I can't believe parents used to beat us legally.
    1 point
  9. Stu

    Whats song is on your mind?

    Funny - my head music never distracts me. In fact, I think if it ever disappeared, it would mess me up! (Kinda like my tinnitus - it's always been in my head; I've never known silence. If it suddenly went away, it would be weird and wrong.) I just tune 'em out, most times. On rare occasion, the song in my head just happened to be a great idea! I'd be trying to think about what to play next at a gig and the song in my head would turn out to be just what I needed. Rare, but it happens. Now Bob Seger is doing his "Let It Rock" thing... my day is getting off to a fine start!
    1 point
  10. I’ve been sewing for about 10 years. I follow patterns, some times I modify them a bit, but generally I don’t need to. I always repeat to myself “it doesn’t have to be perfect” or “it’s not a wedding dress”, because the truth is I’m my own worst critic, most people aren’t looking at the garment that close to see mistakes I might have made. Most people are just impressed I made clothing at all, like it’s witchcraft, or should I say “stitchcraft”. The take away point is, practice makes perfect.
    1 point
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