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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/19/2023 in all areas

  1. Joyous day of birth to you. And on the bright side, at least Monday and 2nd Monday (Monday on a Tuesday) are both over with. The weeks all uphill from here. Or is it supposed to be downhill... Uhhh.
    2 points
  2. ~~~~~ You might want to check out this thread to start. The "Red Neck" Show was in the What are you thinking thread. It is usually a wild ride when @WhiteLines is on the job...or off the job...or walking around...or breathing air... Basically just do a forum search with just about anything regarding him and you're in for a mind ride.
    1 point
  3. Great, I won't put up a fight and you can have it. I'l get to be ~somebody else~ But I'm going to keep my cat, thank you very much 😤
    1 point
  4. et-novum

    What are they hauling?

    Oh God there's so many silly things I could say for this. They're hauling... ... my rancid personality ...my dirty socks ...the radiation that Andrew Eldritch is going to roll around in later ...my cat's stinky feet ...the 2024 republican presidential candidates ...uranium glassware for the local antique store ...taco bell aftermath ...actual uranium rods
    1 point
  5. Thank you, thank you, ladies and gentlemen, I'll be here all month. Lol
    1 point
  6. Since the electrician swan dived out of the ceiling and we're on high alert for OSHA to be creepin on us... hardhats. Uhhg wtf. So I started doing this with masking tape... I can't actually paint or draw ON the hardhat in case OSHA cuz they'll claim it compromises the structural integrity of the hardhat itself. Whatever.
    1 point
  7. It's my real birthday. I appreciate the kind thoughts, it's been a challenging week and there's still more of it to come. 😅
    1 point
  8. Destroit

    I'm back

    Decided I'm too old for Facebook, messageboards are for elder millennials, I know my place. Also, seeing so much DGN spirit lately is too much for me to pass up.
    1 point
  9. ~~~~~ Start with Copper tubing, PVC or CPVC and go from there. If you think the wings will be too heavy, go with Galvanize pipe or Black Iron.
    1 point
  10. Yes, we've been doing Goth Camping (i.e. MANFAST for the old goths here) for 13 years, unfortunately we had to cancel our normal event this year in June. We are debating on doing it at the end of August, not sure how many takers there would be. Scary Guy is correct, and it's not invite only it's technically open to anyone, in the past you HAD to be on DGN or go with someone on DGN to go so it did used to be invite-only. We generally hold it in White Lake Twp, we are trying to get land for next year, but if we fit one in at the end of August it would most likely be in Oakland County this year.
    1 point
  11. Holy fuck. I have this. I never knew there was a name for it and I only ever knew it as the time I had motor control issues as a kid. Thank God I've resolved the bigger issues but I still have some small lingering things I think I can attribute to that. I should check if I got a formal diagnosis.
    1 point
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