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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/24/2023 in all areas

  1. Destroit


    Oh geez, what alternate timeline is this?
    2 points
  2. Raev

    Asylum Windsor

    First off our next event is August 5th. We do this the first Saturday of each month on the main floor of Villains Beastro in downtown Windsor. Never a cover charge and runs from 9p to 230a. Let me sell you on how we are different. So, I'm DJ Raev. Sergio (DJ Surge) and I started this back in 2019. We wanted to do something different from any of the previous nights in Windsor or Detroit. Originally that meant we collected a cover charge, donated it to local charities, and displayed art from local artists. Then the 'vid hit. Coming out of it we scrapped cover charge and made our charity the community. Everyones mental health took a beating, and everything is expensive. We want the community to have something to look forward to, try to provide as best as we can, and don't want anyone excluded because of money. That said, we bleed money into this. Tip jar does exist and we are always thankful for anything! In 2022 we relaunched and the decision was made to add more variety to the music, as well as sensibilities of a younger generation than Serg and I. This led to us bringing a new DJ on who has a great energy, passion, and a different approach to the genres than we do. Thus, Sterling Pepke aka [51N] joined us on decks! We still have a steady stream of local artists displaying their work at the events, and have recently had a rotation of crafters hawking their spooktacular wares too. This also saw Mel taking over a lot of our social media as well as a voice in our planning, Marci getting heavily involved in promotion/planning/music research, and Martyna getting heavily involved in promotion, planning, and aesthetics. We meet almost every month and review what has gone well, what we can do better, what feedback we hear, and what we want the future to hold. We want to provide as excellent of an experience as is within our ability to provide. So, that's where we are. We're a collective putting on a party for our community. A place for those who seek it. We are Asylum.
    1 point
  3. Destroit


    Don't lie, who did or will be going to Barbie all like this?
    1 point
  4. TronRP


    Rita Repulsa... definitely one of my favorite villains...😁 Welcome back to the forum. Although I joined in 2012, I would be considered a new member to you. I call DGN my publically, private, personal diary so you will, more likely than not, see me around the board. If anything comes up or any other issues arise (personal or technical), just let us know and we will be more than happy to assist where we can. And again, Welcome Back!
    1 point
  5. May Tron's reign last a thousand generations and all dissidents and usurpers shall be dipped in tar then rolled upon the loose screws and random hardware that rests upon thy tool cart until they are covered in sharp uncomfortable bits of metal and splinters of fire rated plywood from Home Depot for I am WhiteLines, Son Of A Bitch, from the House Of Dumpsterfire, and my allegiance is to the Empire of Tron by this virtual cyberspace blood oath. Hear me! And follow towards a glorious future!
    1 point
  6. Has it really been since 2014 when the Smalls DGN reunions took place? Wow. Once upon a time mods used to do things and title them as an official event, because we were running the event. I did about a half dozen of them back in the day myself. The original intent of the Emissary was to be different from mod. Mod did events and moderated the board, emissaries were official promoters. I know because when the original conversation came up (I think I started the official conversation in staff chat, but may be mistaken) I sat with Troy at City and talked about it, as did my wife (-Siren-). It's how she ended up one. The other Emissary will never end up back here but she's another Canadian and close friend to Siren and I (she was even part of our wedding).
    1 point
  7. Raev

    DGN Elections (discussion)

    Did the donation tracker just go from a certain point forward? I know a few people in times passed donating lots of money but it wasn't on there. Hell, I once held a fundraiser myself and handed over a jar o cash. As for elections/polls, I would like to advise against such as they typically become a popularity contest and can leave hurt feelings. I am pro-benevolent dictatorship
    1 point
  8. ~~~~~ The main thing I really want members to understand is that, although it is true that Troy founded this site and sparked the foundation for this community, going forward, for the foreseeable future, I am the one hosting this site and, accordingly, how this end of the online community will be managed under my administration. If you are looking to hold a position, don't worry about how things went then, think of this as a new starting point where decisions will be based on your merit and what you bring to the community. DGN has a member Code of Conduct and a Guideline to How to Become a Staff Member. Although some sections are in need of editing, they are still in play and will continue to function as the basis of Detroit Gothic.Net. So, to begin with, I am the main person you have to be concerned with.
    1 point
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