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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/10/2023 in all areas

  1. I would literally rather set myself on fire.
    2 points
  2. oXMiahGraceXo

    Alumni Recruiting

    Im.used to being the oldest one in the club at JAX. Like the elder goths had a presence but I was rarely invited to sit at the cool kids table (mostly becuase they smoked and I have asthma XD) What could possibly be creepy about me calling you Father Scary (I'm literally never saying that again but man you asked for it XD))
    2 points
  3. oXMiahGraceXo

    Alumni Recruiting

    I thought of the Pokémon...
    1 point
  4. There's a lot more awful people out there than just a few rich people and CEOs. Let's split the difference between everyone and just some rich peeps.
    1 point
  5. What I like about you is your positive attitude! 😬
    1 point
  6. My passion for culinary dishes has been returning, rather slowly, but still coming back none the less. (3 full time kitchen jobs for a whole year will burn you out). Where now I am starting to want to cook instead of feeling obligated to cook. Last night was tacos. Not the most impressive dish to fix up, but pretty good for a work night especially since I do my own seasoning mix. No pictures, but aside from the seasoned beef, I diced Roma tomatoes, chopped Romain lettuce, sliced black olives, and actually minced a small shallot and crushed garlic clove to the beef instead of using garlic and onion powder. I'll eventually replace the chili and cumin powder with actual chilis and cumin. No Jalapeno yet, kids won't like the heat, but soon enough. Going to do a roast beef this Sunday. It's been a while since I did one of those.
    1 point
  7. TronRP

    Happy Birthday Rayne

    ~~~🎈 Make It The Best 🎈~~~
    1 point
  8. I actually don’t know. I had a well deserved stay-cation last weekend. Went to see Summer Slam with my kids then went to see Mudvayne and Gwar. Went back to work today. It’s my birthday. I’m working and packing to move. I really don’t know what or how I’m feeling tbh. Got another birthday event coming up on Monday.
    1 point
  9. ~~~~~ When I used to use words like normal, sanity, right, understood, useful, functional, etc., I used to always put them in quotes. Now my everything is what used to be in those quotation marks so I just have a moment and keep going.
    1 point
  10. I have a lady friend whose gardening hat has a brim of equal monsterousnousnousnous. Her skin is super sensitive to the sun, though, and since it keeps the sun off her... I cannot judge. I do like that yours is in black. 👍🏻
    1 point
  11. Destroit

    Soup season

    Y'all know the best time of year is right around the corner, drop your soup pics (homemade soup, not stock photos or Top Ramen lol) Everything about this chicken, potato, mushroom, garlic soup is homemade down to the broth 🥰
    1 point
  12. I'm sorry I'm posting so many pics... I collapsed today when I got time off, after my therapist submitted a letter insisting of a instant leave from my work... So... I just, fell to the grass, the earth... And laid there. I am finally healing after three months of pure trauma... I can finally heal... Please, I just want to see myself happy and thriving... I'm not vain... I'm just being a friend I need for me right now, to heal. I am now, on a break from everything, time to get my balance back.
    1 point
  13. My emotional state is correcting itself. Normality achieved.
    1 point
  14. n0Mad

    Fav pic of yourself

    Your kilt is too long, and why are you wearing it around your neck?
    1 point
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