I can be real. And my normal... Which is not like many.. But that's okay. Fb sensors a lot and I can't, be real... And it... Is hard.. I just need to be real. Its the only thing making it easy for me to see the truth and read it back to myself and get myself through stuff. I'm on my own mission, I'm growing towards my own light..or glow... Many don't need to understand me. I'm okay with that, but they don't need to. I have people who need me in real life. I need them too. They dedicate their time and energy to me like nobody else. And, words never mean anything to me, other than to communicate needs and concerns. I'm a huge actions person, and I see actions very loud. And yeah. Im moving forward, even if I'm in a huge battle right now. My retirement years will be worth everything. I look forward to being old