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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/16/2023 in all areas

  1. Sometimes I see some really unhinged shit. Like if feral and insane hate fucked and spawned children, then those children inbred and spawned memes and other deep space fucked shit on the internet, but you laugh anyway because you grew up on shows like Ren and Stimpy, shattering any sanity you had before the world had a chance to surgically remove your sanity with a chainsaw in your adult years. Here's a thread for it.
    1 point
  2. Black Flag will be in flint on August 23. I got 3 tickets awhile ago but my friend will be going to a wedding that day. I have 2 extra tickets
    1 point
  3. ~~~~~ Yep, and he will have the leading role. His sister is in theater so she can provide all the lighting he needs for his "One Man Show" as the fat hits the fan. I'll be the one in the top row, opera glasses in hand, behind the protective plexi with a bucket of popcorn, a drink and a megaphone.
    1 point
  4. So it's pretty common for people to need to do something for an animal and wind up doing some of the treatment at home. Like just today. @et-novum's cat edgar has a foot that keeps scabing. He's on medicine for it but he keeps licking it! So we had to bandage it This did not last long and he pulled it off PROMPTLY and becuase he was so annoyed with this process he kept biting at the medical supplies! (So cute) So then Novum got the great idea to make a cone with a paper plate. And now Edgar won't talk to novum. He's my cat now. Chilling in my lap. But I feel like everyone has at least one wild diy vet story.
    1 point
  5. Must have been one sweet cat thh
    1 point
  6. We put masking tape over the edge to soften it actually! But novum is getting a real cone soon
    1 point
  7. Gang shit on tha front porch Tennessee trailer doors Howdy, hows ya mammy 'n 'em Y'all come back now, ya hear... mμ'fμ¢ka's Thas wassup. And I just upped my whitetrash street cred by teachin' myself to tattoo and inkin' up a tweaker in my hotel room past midnight yesterday. Lmfao!
    1 point
  8. I feel like I am being seranaded by the sound of my cat purring as he lays on the desk next to me in my office.
    1 point
  9. et-novum

    Redneck vet adventures

    Not if I do it first.
    1 point
  10. et-novum

    Redneck vet adventures

    Poor kid 😞 I hope he gets his revenge on@et-novum
    1 point
  11. Locked into a stress induced photo-mutilation neurosis for the last 3 hours, plus 25 minutes out of my lunch break today, I've shat out over 100 different versions of the same picture, many with unexpectedly wicked glitches. I cant sort thru them now, I'm drained... Here's one at random, still describes how I feel lol
    1 point
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