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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/24/2023 in all areas

  1. SlavicGoth

    Noir leather drag show

    I went into Noir Leather yesterday to look at some pants and I saw that they're going to be having a drag show on Saturday. Idk if anyone is into that stuff. just felt like letting people know
    1 point
  2. fu**edUP@NA

    Hi! My Game is.

    Howdy, I'm Devin, and I'm addicted to errthang.
    1 point
  3. This appears to be official
    1 point
  4. WHO SUMMONS ME?! Oh, hey Cherny.
    1 point
  5. A "royal flush" if you will
    1 point
  6. The sky is lighting up, the wind is blowing around and I just got a warning for a flood watch but damn this breeze is amazing. There's a buzzing outside that sounds kinda like a boat but I really don't think a boat is out in that wind atm.
    1 point
  7. I'm tired of feeling tired *again*. Whatever weird cyclic thing that smacks me with the "you don't have any stamina anymore!" thing every couple of weeks needs to stop. I have shit to do, I can't keep shutting down this early in the day. It's been like two weeks since I've felt actually rested, and yes I do get nearly a full 8 hours most nights.
    1 point
  8. 1 and 5 what? The images in the slideshow? You do realize that if you go to the portfolio link there’s a whole bunch more work? 🤔
    1 point
  9. A sense of longing for those who haven't returned yet.
    1 point
  10. That's right, y'all - Ministry is hitting the road to celebrate 30 years of The Mind Is A Terrible Thing To Taste! They're touring with KMFDM and FLA as openers, and the Detroit date is FRIDAY JULY 10. Pittsburgh's the night before, Chicago's the night after, and Cleveland's the 13th; right now, it doesn't look like there's gonna be a Toronto date at all. Niagara Falls on the 12th's gonna have to do for them folks up there. Venue is the Royal Oak Music Theater. Ticket prices are from $40-$80. Presale begins Thursday; go to axs dot com for more details. c u there!
    1 point
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