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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/29/2023 in all areas

  1. https://apnews.com/article/phillies-alligator-service-animal-wallygator-c1a1b8614ad670d3ed30cf00fabdb57a What's next? I can't bring my emotional support cassowary on a plane?
    1 point
  2. n0Mad

    What made your day?

    @Queen of Foxes texting me some nice videos this morning. 💜
    1 point
  3. kat

    What are you about to go do?

    Head west on Jefferson until it turns into Biddle bust a left in my apartment lot. It's super easy. For real though, come visit anytime. I'll try to hide the cigarettes..and liquor..unless you want a dranky drank. Wait, there's freeway stuff..Jefferson cuts off, don't drive in the river, if your phone says you are in Lasalle, Ontario you've arrived. I mean your not really in Canada but the phone thinks you are. We like this if we need an alibi ever.
    1 point
  4. TronRP

    What are you about to go do?

    ~~~~~ Not the cigs!!! Now I have to GPS your location. Get the service drones overhead and do a pinpoint accuracy Patriot Laser Beam strike which may or may not miss your pack, by a mile. Or implement a C.R.M. Cigarette Recovery Mission drive-by...yank... Ok...waking up now...
    1 point
  5. kat

    What are you about to go do?

    just um..smoking a cigarette or two....or a pack 😉
    1 point
  6. TronRP

    What are you about to go do?

    ~~~~~ What he said.
    1 point
  7. 1 point
  8. She is notably no longer affiliated with the Satantic Temple. There was a big fallout around 2018 or so. Which is probably for the best, TST as a whole is a pretty shady organization.
    1 point
  9. Its bullshit that teeth don't regrow
    1 point
  10. sekhmet2002

    Hi Stranger.

    I found it to be totally creepy at times. But what it said makes some sense. I'm torn on this one.
    1 point
  11. firekitten15

    Hi Stranger.

    1 point
  12. Scar My Machine

    Too Real

    Counseling just might be what is needed to coup with day to day or other issues one is having trouble with. Just a kind suggestion.
    1 point
  13. bean

    Too Real

    For some people, I think they enjoy being an asshole. It is possible to be brutally honest without being a dick.
    1 point
  14. Eevee

    Too Real

    Yeah, I don't see that as attention-seeking. I can get pretty blunt with people on here and its either because I'm pissy or because I feel that it needs to be said. I'm honest with people. I don't see a point in lying. I'm more afraid of the outcome of someone catching me in a huge lie then someone disapproving of what honestly happened or what I'm honestly thinking.
    1 point
  15. phee

    Too Real

    IMO... there is never a reason to be anything less than honest... BUT... people that are brutally honest I have an issue with, you can tell someone the truth, even a painful truth and not be a dick about it. Being blunt is fine, going out of your way to be harsh with your bluntness... is just the sign of a weak person. For example, lets say you had to tell someone that they were incorrect about a fact they were insisting on... lets just make one up for now... let's say they were asserting over and over again that they invented the electric magical nose flute, and they were very happy about this.... but you found an article that Kat actually invented it in the 70's and that they are full of it (even if they don't know it). Honest statement: "Actually, Kat developed that instrument back in the 70's while she was dating the Roger Waters, so that is incorrect." Politely honest statement: "I am sorry, but that is incorrect, Kat developed that instrument back in the 70's while she was dating the Roger Waters, but it's cool you are both into it. Unnecessarily brutal honest statement (as spoken by douchecrews): "Dude, get a fucking clue and do some research, Kat developed that instrument back in the 70's while she was dating the Roger Waters, stop talking without thinking you son of a Piglious." (I do find it funny that people who are unnecessarily rude with their statements, true or not, always act all defensive when called on it... they say things like "Hey I am just telling it like it is." or "I am just calling a spade a spade." or "I am just being blunt if you can't handle it it's your problem" or some other bullshit... No THE FACT THAT YOU CAN'T BE POLITE IS YOUR PROBLEM YOU FUCKING WASTE OF YOUR MOTHER AND FATHER'S CELLS---oh and by the way if that last statement sounded harsh? I am just telling it like it is )
    1 point
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