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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/21/2024 in all areas

  1. I think I am at more than half of @TronRP’s posts for the week. I think she will be sweating a little when she sees this. Good thing this isn’t a board domination week…. 😳🤫🤣🤣😉
    1 point
  2. Yeah, starting out is rough, especially when the market is doing shitty things everywhere. I had the same problem with my kids UTMA stock account back in 2005 when I opened it. (Man, I wish I bought her some Apple right away instead of waiting til 2014 when I finally jumped on). Those first few years I felt bad about what I lost her and probably added an extra grand or 2 of my money to it to make up for shit market drops/unlucky and poor decisions)
    1 point
  3. Here it is, today. About a week and a half after. It looks delicious lol.
    1 point
  4. I'm feeling really good. I finally hit a personal milestone. My stock networth finally surpassed the total I've invested from the start, including making up for the thousands I lost starting out 4 years ago. I've broke even finally, but I'm also backed with knowledge and experience. Upwards from here on out!
    1 point
  5. Not to dig up a dead horse for further beating, but I hear he's having a hell of a time coming up with half a billion dollars and the state is primed and ready to start seizing his assets starting with Trump Tower. Haven't looked directly, but the MAGA crowd is SURE having a hard time about this 😂
    1 point
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